bridge initiative

helping you reach your career goals

about the bridge initiative


an online alterantive

Through the Bridge Initiative, you can experience many facets of the School of Leadership. Program includes:

  • Same bachelors and associate online degree options

  • A personal coach for guidance and support

  • Community through The Woods Church

  • $334 per credit hour



  • Any age (not restricted to 18-25 year olds)

  • Active attenders of The Woods Church

  • Continuing education OR new students


PROGRAM structure

Bridge Initiative students will have the ability to create their own schedule that works for them. Courses are offered year round and each accelerated class is 6 weeks.  This program is through Indiana Wesleyan University, fully online, with 39 degrees to choose from.

The School of Leadership staff will walk you through the entire application process, and help you optimize your learning.

Bridge students do not meet in-person for classes, making participation possible from any location and any life stage.